Patrick Ansbacher
Head of Division
With B.A.U.M. since 2005
Education and experience
- Diploma in Human and Social Geography
- Academic studies of Human and Social Geography at the University of Augsburg, Technische Universität München and Ludwig Maximilians University in Weihenstephan
- Key course elements: spatial planning, land use planning, urban management, nature conservation and geoinformatics
- Since 2005 environmental and sustainability consultant at B.A.U.M. Consult with focus on the future of mobility and energy transition
Tasks at B.A.U.M.
- Head of Division Sustainable Regions and Municipalities (focus on mobility)
- Conception, consulting and coaching for sustainable regional development for cities, municipalities and regions
- Development of urban- and regional development concepts, regional management and regional marketing in the topics: future mobility, energy transition and food marketing
- Project management for international funding projects with focus on the INTERREG Alpine Space funding program

B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH
Fanny-Zobel-Str. 9
12435 Berlin
+ 49 30 53 60 18 84-12
+ 49 30 53 60 18 84-99
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