Gudrun Engelhardt
Senior Consultant
With B.A.U.M. since 2009
Education and experience
- Mag. Phil. , translator for Italian and Russian (Graz University)
- Research Assistant of STENUM AG, the Working group for Materials, Energy and the Environment at the Graz University of Technology (Institute of Chemical Engineering), 1992-1995
- Employee and partner of the STENUM Consulting and Researchassociation for environmental issues Ltd. in Graz (1995-2008)
- Qualification as Environmental Manager (at the Academy of the Province of Styria)
- Further education as a Systemic Management Trainer (Institute Train, Vienna)
- certified ÖKOPROFIT® Senior Consultant (CPC Austria)
- GRI Reporting
- Sustainability Code (DNK) trainer
- Coach for the German Association for Quality (DGQ)
- Consultant for operational mobility managment (mobil gewinnt)
Tasks at B.A.U.M.
- Sustainability Consulting (Strategy and Managment)
- Sustainability reporting
- ÖKOPROFIT® Baic and Club program
- German Association for Quality (DGQ) trainings "Energy efficieny Compact"
- Research- and Demonstrationprojects for the implentation of corporate sustainability programs
- Eco-efficient Product Service Systems
- SBSC (Sustainability Balanced Scorecard)
- Strategy consultancy, trainings for innovation and creativity, green procurement, motivation of employees

B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH
Alfred-Fischer-Weg 12
59073 Hamm
+49 2381 307 21-181
+49 2381 307 21-165
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