Eva Wiesemann
Senior Consultant
With B.A.U.M. since 2023
Education and experience
- Master Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science (M. Sc.), University of Lund (Sweden)
- Bachelor of Political and Administrative Sciences at the University of Konstanz and University College Cork (Ireland)
- Certificate in Design Thinking (Basic and Advanced Track), D-School of the Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam
- Senior Consultant Company
- Senior Consultant Sustainability and Organisational Development, IMAP GmbH
- Research Associate, Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Research Field
- Enterprise, Value Chains and Consumption
- am and project leader for participation and sustainable urban development, L.I.S.T. Lösungen im Stadtteil mbH
Tasks at B.A.U.M.
- Sustainability consulting for companies (strategy development, materiality analyses, development of measures)
- Sustainability reporting
- Conception and realisation of workshops and training courses
- Strategy and mission statement development, innovation & creativity, organisational development