Energy & Climate
Implement efficient technology and concepts for the sustainable use of natural resources.
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Sustainable management
Let yourself be inspired by our various approaches for an ideal sustainable management within your institution.
Research & Funding
Implement with our support your ideas for products and services in funding and research programmes.
For companies and institutions
We offer you professional assistance to find solutions and measures tailored to you and your employees.
For regions and municipalities
We moderate participatory processes with all relevant stakeholders according to your needs.
For administrations and institutions
We advise on strategic decisions and accompany research and funding projects and programmes.
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B.A.U.M. Materials
In the framework of projects and assignments, B.A.U.M. has developed different technical papers, studies, fact sheets and further publications.
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Johannes AugeManaging Partner
Peter KrabbeManaging Partner
Michael WedlerManaging Partner
Hannah WittingManaging Partner
Patrick AnsbacherHead of Division
Anja AschenbrennerHead of Division Climate Management
Carlos Ayon Mac GregorConsultant
Julia BethkeSenior Consultant
Ronja BohnenkämperConsultant
Annette Boscher-HaeringAssistant to the Managing Director
Dorothea BrockhoffConsultant
Elham Brokof
Julia ChenutHead of Unit
Alphin Chirakkathazhuthu TomConsultant
Charlotte Clarke
Andreas CorusaSenior Consultant
Rieko Cramer
Joshua DietzConsultant
Jasmin DornerHead of Division
Dr. Rita DornmairHead of research and development
Susanne DüsterhusTeam Assistant
Laura EkmanConsultant
Gudrun EngelhardtSenior Consultant
Valerie FrankeProject Engineer
Christoph GiesekeSenior Consultant
Sandra GiglmaierHead of Division
Maximilian GolderConsultant
Dr. Stefan Große-AllermannSenior Consultant
Sebastian HeinrichsSenior Consultant
Louisa HeitkämperConsultant
Oliver HempelSenior Consultant
Sarah HuberConsultant
Léa HugSenior Consultant
Ludwig KargLibero and partner
Janina Katona
Dorothee Knöpper
Astrid Krähling
Cecil KrausConsultant
Anna KroschelConsultant
Jan Hendrik Kunz
Jonathan LukowskyConsultant
Dorothee MeierSenior Consultant
Wiebke Mersmann
Amelie MeyerConsultant
Philipp MihajlovicSenior Consultant
Matthias OttoProject Engineer
Kilian ParkerConsultant
Kristin PetersenConsultant
Saskia PetersenHead of Division Climate change adaptation
Christopher PrangeHead of Division Resilient regional development
Maleen RasmussenConsultant
Luisa RauConsultant
Katharina ReffelConsultant
Martin SailerHead of Division
Jörg SchachnerSenior Consultant
Torsten Sievers
Dr. Anna StetterSenior Management Assistance
Elmar StevensSenior Consultant
Dr. Michael StöhrSenior Consultant
Lena StrasserHead of Communications
Ralf StrathmannOffice Manager, Head of Division
Ann Maria ThomasAdministrative assistance
Annette TimmermannConsultant
Ngoc Trang TrinhProject Engineer Energy
Christian von LoßbergJunior Consultant
Anne-Kathrin Vorwald
Veronika WagnerConsultant
Michael WeberConsultant
Eva WiesemannSenior Consultant
Chantal WimbertConsultant
Claudia WolframHuman Resources
Verena ZimaraSenior Consultant