Sustainability Report for the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Smart Campus at the Copacabana
On behalf of the German Society for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit - GIZ) B.A.U.M. supports the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro becoming a sustainable campus. The main focus is the preparation of a sustainability report in accordance to the standards of the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

Being a centre of knowledge and a source of innovation the university strives the integration of sustainability into research and teaching as well as an encompassing sustainability management for the campus. The scheme started when the Fundo Verde was founded, which finances such projects. B.A.U.M. counsels the Fundo Verde since 2012. The latest project was a one-week workshop in Rio de Janeiro moderated by B.A.U.M.: the basis for a long-term sustainability strategy was developed focusing on the development of strategic measures, on the identification of indicators and on the definition of goals. The Fundo Verde is promoted by the state’s initiative “Rio Capital da Energia – Rio Capital of Energy“ (RCE) aiming Rio de Janeiro to become an international reference centre for energy efficiency and renewable energies.
- strategic consultation for the Fundo Verde
- support for the implementation of the Smart Campus concept
- development of a best-practice guide for Smart Campus
- conceptual support for the preparation of the sustainability report
- content preparation and conduction of working sessions
- interconnection of Sustainable Campus Initiatives for a network within the Fundo Verde
- several lectures for the GIZ, e. g. on the Smart Grid conference in Brasilia
Your contact at B.A.U.M.
Ludwig Karg
Libero and partner
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AIDA Cruises - Sustainable action on board and ashore
B.A.U.M. Consult continuously supports the cruise company AIDA Cruises in the development, implementation and communication of strategic sustainability goals. read more