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SESAM - fully electrical agricultural machines in rural Smart Grids

Impact assessment, dissemination of results and management support

In cooperation with John Deere and the University of Applied Sciences in Kaiserslautern B.A.U.M. was responsible for the impact assessment of the usage of a battery-powered tractor in agriculture and for the dissemination of the project’s results. The SESAM project was part of the funding programme “ICT for Electric mobility II” funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

SESAM - fully electrical agricultural machines in rural Smart Grids


In the SESAM project, concepts for fully electrical agricultural machines were developed. The overall aim was the usage of locally generated electricity from renewable energy sources for mobile agricultural machines. The vision is a fully electrical agricultural holding, which mainly uses renewable energy sources for its energy supply as well as participates as a prosumer and active partner for grid operators in rural smart grids (smart farm). The resulting reduction of greenhouse gases, pollutants and noise emissions is an essential contribution to the development of sustainable agriculture. SESAM focused on development, prototype structure, testing and demonstration of a battery-powered tractor.


  • Preparation of an impact assessment on greenhouse gas emissions, electricity grid in rural areas, noise emissions and tourism
  • Development and maintenance of the project website
  • Preparation of publications
  • Support of John Deere in the project coordination