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SEMS – sustainable energy management

Local energy transformation in four European communities

Within the framework of the EU CONCERTO Programme, the SEMS project started a local energy transformation in four communities in Germany, Luxembourg, Austria and Poland. B.A.U.M. had a leading role in developing the project’s concept integrating experience derived from implementing citizen energy concepts.

SEMS – sustainable energy management


SEMS - Sustainable Energy Management Systems - is a project of the CONCERTO Initiative within the 6th EU Framework Programme with 24 project partners from seven countries. The project was developed by B.A.U.M. in cooperation with the Institute for Applied Material Flow Management (IfaS). SEMS’ overall aim was to start a local energy transformation in four communities in Germany, Luxembourg, Austria and Poland as well as to prepare this process for three further communities in Lithuania, Slovenia and China. Therefore, several partial demonstration projects were implemented in those four communities, ancillary research was conducted and extensive communication activities were established, e.g. four SMES summer schools informing about renewable energies and energy efficiency.


  • Evaluation of local energy transformation processes
  • Development of the energy management system EnerMas
  • Organisation of four SEMS summer schools
  • Establishment and maintenance of the project website
E-Energy – Smart Grids made in Germany

E-Energy – Smart Grids made in Germany

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, B.A.U.M. coordinated the consortium in charge of the ancillary research, evaluation and communication of the technology programme "E-Energy - Smart Energy made in Germany". The programme aims at developing information and communication technology (ICT) for the German energy transition. read more

AlpStore – energy storage for the Alpine Space

AlpStore – energy storage for the Alpine Space

Under the coordination of B.A.U.M. Munich, the EU funding project AlpStore examined the usage of mobile and stationary energy storage technologies. read more

Consulting for the implementation of the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EDL-G)

Consulting for the implementation of the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EDL-G)

B.A.U.M. supported numerous companies of different industries and sizes in the decision-making process to meet the requirements. The team of consultants conducted more than 100 energy audits, accompanied the introduction of energy management systems and advised internationally operating customers on the implementation of the country-specific requirements of the European Energy Efficiency Directive. read more

ELSA – Energy Local Storage Advanced system

ELSA – Energy Local Storage Advanced system

In cooperation with ten other industrial and research partners from five European countries, B.A.U.M. Consult developed and tested within the EU project ELSA local energy storage systems based on second-life electric vehicle batteries. read more