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S3C – Empowering people for the smart energy system of the future

Smart Consumer, Smart Customer and Smart Citizen

People make the difference in the transition to our future energy system. Together with an international consortium of six partners, B.A.U.M. developed a practical toolkit for the successful, long-term engagement of end users in smart grid projects.

S3C – Empowering people for the smart energy system of the future


The majority of smart grid projects mainly focus on technology, but S3C deals with the user’s acceptance of it. The overall aim of S3C is to develop methods to sensitize electricity customers for the topic of smart grids and support the development of a ‘smarter’ energy behaviour. Therefore, best practice examples, experiences from psychology, sociology and other disciplines as well as different customer segments and their patterns of behaviour were taken into account. The main result of the project is a web-based toolkit containing practical tools and guidelines for end user engagement. In order to test the S3C tools and guidelines in the field, the S3C project teamed up with partner projects and several utilities across Europe. The finalised toolkit is available at:


  • Project management
  • Development of tools and guidelines for a successful activation and integration of consumers
  • Development of recommendations of action for project planners and political decision makers
  • Organisation of field tests
  • Dissemination and knowledge transfer
