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Regional marketing and marketing of regional products in the Kosovo

Coaching and training programme for the Anamorava and Drini i Bardhë Catchment Regions

On behalf of the GIZ, B.A.U.M. Consult Munich/Berlin is conducting a coaching and training programme for regional marketing and the marketing of regional products in two regions of the Kosovo: Anamorava and Drini.

Regional marketing and marketing of regional products in the Kosovo


With the project COSiRA, the GIZ is supporting the strengthening of the regional identity and value creation in the Kosovo. Through knowledge transfer and capacity building in the areas of regional marketing and the marketing of regional products, the exploitation of existing potentials in the regions, such as tourism, will be improved.
In the framework of COSiRA, B.A.U.M. Consult was commissioned to conduct a coaching and training programme on the topics of regional marketing and the marketing of regional products with participants from local institutions, the private sector and civil society.

In an initial three-day seminar, Ludwig Karg, Managing Director of B.A.U.M. Consult Munich/Berlin, presented the basic principles of marketing regional products. Main topics of the seminar were, for example, basics of regional marketing and marketing regional products, marketing and communication as well as structures and processes. After that, ideas for projects in the area of marketing regional products were developed together with the seminar participants, such as establishing a regional farmers' market.

These projects are, together with B.A.U.M.'s consultants and local experts, developed further and submitted for funding at the GIZ in June 2015.


  • Conduction of several seminars on the topic of regional marketing and marketing regional products
  • Support and backstopping for the seminar participants in developing project ideas
  • Support in the development of a concept for a 'Regional Marketing Organisation'
