Detail - B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH (

PolyEnergyNet: Resilient poly-networks for security of supply for the grids in Saarlouis

Decentralised control intelligence secures energy supply even in case of component failure

In the research project PolyEnergyNet B.A.U.M. and nine other scientific and industrial partners develop a model for decentralised control intelligence of energy networks. The project receives funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the framework of the research initiative “Future-proof Power Grids”.

PolyEnergyNet: Resilient poly-networks for security of supply for the grids in Saarlouis


The project PolyEnergyNet focuses on the development of a model for resilient poly-networks. These resilient energy networks characteristically have robust network operations. Gas and head grids are taken into account as interfaces in order to guarantee the robustness. Poly-networks are designed to allow decentralised network control in distribution networks, which reinforces the resilience against disruptions, such as volatility of electricity generation or unforeseen events up to cyber-attacks. B.A.U.M. coordinates all activities of the model development process.


  • Development of a model for resilient poly-networks
  • Scenario development about changes in distribution networks, in which the model operates
  • Analyses for the collection and integration of flexibilities
  • Concept of the field test
  • Evaluation of the project
