MELINDA – Mobility Ecosystem for Low-carbon and INnovative moDal shift in the Alps
The European Partnership of the MELINDA project is generating innovative solutions for climate friendly mobility of citizens in the Alpine Space through a user-participation process.
B.A.U.M. Consult is part of the overall 12 partners from different Alpine Space countries of the MELINDA project, who jointly will implement a new model to boost low carbon mobility behaviors in the Alpine Space region.

The aim of the project “Mobility ecosystem for low-carbon and innovative modal shift in the Alps” (MELINDA) is to induce behavioral change and improved policy instruments which will be achieved through:
- Better understanding of user demands in mobility through crowdsourcing
- Participative development of ICT tool for low-carbon citizen mobility
- Generating innovative business models for mobility service providers by involving end-users. MELINDA will increase the low carbon mobility options and encourage modal shift, thanks to the availability of new evidences and awareness on both demand and offer side as input for an effective activity of the policy makers and sustainable low carbon behaviours. B.A.U.M. is responsible for the initiation and the establishment of a transnational multidisciplinary panel, which united experts in the field of sustainable mobility and data management and will foster a transnational connectivity. MELINDA is a project cofinanced with more than 1,5 Mio Euro by the European Union via Interreg Alpine Space.
- Initiation and the establishment of a transnational multidisciplinary panel, which united experts in the field of sustainable mobility and data management and will foster a transnational connectivity
- Organization of 6 panel meetings
- Management and supervision of the panel all over the period of the project duration
Your contact at B.A.U.M.
Saskia Petersen
Head of Division Climate change adaptation
Write an e-mail

e-MOTICON – Electric vehicle charging infrastructure for the Alpine Space
From Munich to Padua by electric vehicle – in the EU funded project e-MOTICON, 15 partners from the Alpine Space are working on a transnational strategy for a consistent and interoperable development of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure. read more

IMEAS facilitated energy planning in Alpine Space municipalities
B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH developed tools and guidelines to standardise municipal energy planning as part of the Interreg Alpine Space Programme of the European Commission, under the team lead of ENEA, Italy. The IMEAS project integrated energy planning across all relevant silos and levels and identified gaps in European energy governance. read more

CO2NeuTrAlp - sustainable mobility for the Alpine Space
15 partners from five countries of the Alpine Space carried out 13 pilot projects testing and demonstrating how mobility could enter the solar age. B.A.U.M. coordinated the EU project CO2NeuTrAlp. read more