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ENERCOM – from sewage sludge to bioenergy

Communication and knowledge transfer for an innovative plant concept

In the project ENERCOM, an international consortium studied energy recovery from sewage sludge and greenery waste. As part of the consortium B.A.U.M. was in charge of the communication and dissemination of the project progress and results. The ENERCOM project was funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.

ENERCOM – from sewage sludge to bioenergy


Under the coordination of the Institute for Applied Material Flow Management (Institut für angewandtes Stoffstrommanagement – IfaS) ENERCOM aimed at developing a demonstration plant in Friidhaff, Luxembourg, to generate high-value fertilisers, storable fuels, electricity to feed into the grid as well as excess heat for drying processes and for the district heating grid of an industrial park by using sewage sludge and greenery waste. The usage of organic residual materials substitutes fossil fuels and, therefore, enabled the reduction of CO2 emissions and the optimal exploitation of sewage sludge. Within the consortium, B.A.U.M. was responsible for public relations work and knowledge transfer especially to political decision makers and the compost industry.


  • Development of a communication concept
  • Implementation of public awareness events and activities
  • Preparation of information materials
  • Target-specific dissemination of project results
  • Support of the project coordination
