Ancillary research of the funding programme “ICT for electric mobility”
Coordination, evaluation and knowledge transfer
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, B.A.U.M. coordinated the ancillary research of the funding programme “ICT for electric mobility”. In the framework of this programme, seven pilot projects examined technologies and services for the integration of electric mobility in energy and transport networks.

“ICT for electric mobility” was a joint programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMU) that received a total funding of 100 million Euro. “ICT for electric mobility” was a significant pillar of the National Development Plan for Electric Mobility of the German Federal Government. The programme was closely linked with the funding programme “E-Energy – Smart Grids made in Germany” in which B.A.U.M. was also responsible for the ancillary research. The TU Darmstadt (Institute for Electric Energy Systems), incowia as well as LoeschHundLiepold Kommunikation were also part of the consortium.
- Networking and cooperation with key actors in the area of electric mobility
- Support for the cooperation between the pilot projects
- Establishment, management and moderation of cross-project working groups
- Monitoring and evaluation of activities of the pilot projects
- Dissemination of results and knowledge transfer to actors in the area of electric mobility
- Implementation of public awareness events such as international trade fairs
- Coordination of the ancillary research consortium
More about the project
Your contact at B.A.U.M.
Kristin Petersen
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