Advanced training "Company Mobility Manager CCI"
Qualification of employees in mobility management (according to VDI 5110 part 1)
B.A.U.M. has developed and tested a further training course for company mobility managers in cooperation with the Chambers of Industry and Commerce in Germany. The training is based on the VDI guideline 5110, which defines qualification characteristics for company mobility managers.

Corporate mobility management shows possibilities for organizing the mobility of employees on business and on their way to work in an environmentally friendly, health-promoting and cost-conscious manner. This task requires technical and organizational skills, which are described in the VDI guideline 5110. B.A.U.M. has participated in the development of a curriculum for the advanced training "BMM IHK" within the framework of the SME initiative "Energiewende und Klimaschutz" (Energy Turnaround and Climate Protection) and, together with partners, prepared the materials for the six-day advanced training course. In 2018, B.A.U.M. led the first five courses.
- Participation in the commission for the development of the curriculum for the planned further training (2016)
- Participation in the VDI committee NA 134 BR-03 SO "VDI Guideline for Mobility Management" (2015-2018), publication of the VDI Guideline 5110, Sheet 1 "Qualification characteristics for the selection of competent persons for mobility management" in autumn 2018
- Preparation of working materials for the training course "Company Mobility Manager IHK" (2017/2018) in cooperation with EcoLibro GmbH and Hochschule Rhein-Main in Wiesbaden
- Execution of the six-day advanced training in Hagen (2 courses), Bielefeld, Kassel, Cologne and Oldenburg

CO2NeuTrAlp - sustainable mobility for the Alpine Space
15 partners from five countries of the Alpine Space carried out 13 pilot projects testing and demonstrating how mobility could enter the solar age. B.A.U.M. coordinated the EU project CO2NeuTrAlp. read more

mobile wins - brochure with practical examples
Together with three other partners, B.A.U.M. coordinated the "mobil gewinnt" initiative for company mobility management on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology. read more

Ancillary research of the funding programme “ICT for electric mobility”
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, B.A.U.M. coordinated the ancillary research of the funding programme “ICT for electric mobility”. In the framework of this programme, seven pilot projects examined technologies and services for the integration of electric mobility in energy and transport networks. read more

e-MOTICON – Electric vehicle charging infrastructure for the Alpine Space
From Munich to Padua by electric vehicle – in the EU funded project e-MOTICON, 15 partners from the Alpine Space are working on a transnational strategy for a consistent and interoperable development of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure. read more