Successful conclusion of the EU project S3C - B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH (

Successful conclusion of the EU project S3C

Empowering people for the smart energy of the future

24 September 2015, Berlin: After three years of research in the area of activating and engaging end users of energy in smart grid projects, the S3C-project consortium hosted its final conference on the 24th of September in Berlin. The main topic of the conference was the publication of the final version of the web-based S3C toolkit for consumer involvement.

S3C Logo: Laughing power cable

Publication of the web-based toolkit for consumer involvement

The EU research project Smart Consumer, Smart Customer, Smart Citizen (S3C) recently published its final version of the S3C toolkit for consumer involvement. The S3C toolkit was developed for utilities, project managers, energy agencies and city developers, who are involved or intend to become involved in active engagement of consumers in smart energy projects. 

50 practical guidelines and tools

The S3C toolkit features 50 guidelines and tools on topics, which have been identified as promising opportunities for a long-term engagement of consumers, such as co-creation, gamification, monetary and non-monetary incentives as well as privacy and data security. The S3C toolkit is based on a state-of-the-art literature review, a theoretical framework for end user behaviour and market roles as well as in-depth analysis of end user interaction schemes in 32 collaborating European smart energy projects. The tools and guidelines have then been tested by smart grid projects and utility partners. The final version of the web-based toolkit is publicly available at

Final conference with representatives from research and industry

The S3C project officially ends in October 2015. On the 24th of September 2015 the project consortium held the project’s final conference “Empowering people for the smart energy system of the future”, where the consortium presented the toolkit and the project’s key findings. The conference included several high-level speaker, such as Maher Chebbo, the president of ESMIG (‚European voice of smart energy solutions‘) and Michele de Nigris, the chairman of ISGAN  (‚International Smart Grid Action Network‘). The full documentation of the conference including the presentations of all speakers are available at the S3C website.

Panelists of the conference standing in front of a roll-up
Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M.) during the moderation of the conference (Source: S3C project/ André Wagenzik)
Discussing panelists on stage
Conference participant reading the S3C project brochure

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