21.04.16: ERA-Net SG+ Launch Event in Sweden - B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH (baumgroup.de)

ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus Launch Event in Sweden

Official launch of the knowledge platform expera and 2nd Call for projects

21-22 April 2016, Stockholm: Knowledge fosters progress. More than 50 representatives from industry, research and several SMEs came together at the ERA-Net SG+ launch event in Stockholm where Ludwig Karg, Managing Director of B.A.U.M. Munich/Berlin, officially introduced the European knowledge sharing platform “expera”.

2nd Call for projects – A new opportunity to receive funding for transnational Smart Grid projects

On April 21, 2016, the ERA-Net SG+ Launch event took place in Stockholm being the kick-off event for the second application round for Smart Grids projects. ERA-Net SG+ is a funding initiative from 21 European countries and regions promoting transnational projects in the area of Smart Grids. The first call of the initiative resulting in 21 active Research, Development and Demonstrations (RDD) projects, was closed in June 2015. 

At the event, potential applicants were informed about formal requirements and content-related expectations connected with the second call through various presentations and panel discussions. Covering the three ERA-Net SG+ layers “technology”, “market”, and “adoption” was one of the priorities. Especially the importance of the third layer, “adoption”, was stressed by Hans Nilsson, CEO of FourFact and chairman of the IEA DSM-programme, in his keynote speech.

expera – a European knowledge sharing platform on Smart Grids

In addition to the launch of the second call, the knowledge sharing platform „expera“ was officially introduced at the event. The platform expera enables international knowledge exchange between experts from industry, business, and research in the area of Smart Grids and storage. As leading partner of the ERA-Net SG+ Support Team, B.A.U.M. is responsible for the coordination of expera. Ludwig Karg, Managing Director of B.A.U.M. Consult Munich/Berlin, presented the central functionalities and the first contents of the platform. Interested experts can register for expera using the following link: http://www.smartgridsplus.eu/.

Two people standing next to each other
People sitting in a conference room
People talking
Keynote Speaker during his speech

Further information

Homepage of the ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus Initiative:

The expera-platform:

Your contact at B.A.U.M.