15.09.2015: Final conference marks the end of the project FINESCE - B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH (baumgroup.de)

Final conference marks the end of the project FINESCE

The project’s final conference took place in Berlin

15 September 2015, Berlin: The EU project FINESCE successfully tested the applicability of FIWARE standard software components in the energy sector at seven European trial sites. At the project’s final conference in Berlin the FINESCE Smart Energy Platform, which was developed within the framework of the project, was presented.

Developing new applications and services for the energy sector

FINESCE stands for ‘Future Internet INternet Smart Utility ServiCEs’. The project has been funded in the framework of the FI-PPP Programme (Future Internet Public Private Partnership) and was successfully concluded this September 2015. With Ericsson as lead partner, a consortium of 30 partners from 14 EU countries worked on the development of an open source ICT-infrastructure as basis for new and innovative applications and services in the energy sector. At seven trial sites across Europe the applicability of the EU-funded platform FIWARE was tested within energy use cases. 

Through the implementation of seven pilot projects FINESCE demonstrated how the application of FIWARE Generic Enablers contributes to the realisation of sustainable real-time energy services. One of the project’s main results was the FINESCE Smart Energy Platform. In the future this platform based on FIWARE technology will enable an easy, fast and cost-effective development of ICT-applications for the energy sector.

Presentation of the FINESCE Smart Energy Platform

The focus of the first day of the FINESCE final conference was the topic “New Utility Services”: representatives of the seven pilot projects presented their innovative applications and services developed within the framework of FINESCE and shared their experiences of the last three years.  On the second day, the discussion was focused on ICT platforms, such as the FINESCE Smart Energy Platform, and their role in enabling new services in the future energy system.

Within the FINESCE project B.A.U.M. was responsible for communication and dissemination of the project results.

Further information

Website of the FINESCE project:

FIWARE website:

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