Interactive web conference on how to transform the energy system
B.A.U.M. Consult sees the corona crisis as an opportunity for innovative solutions: If video conference tools are used to its full potential, it saves time, money – and most importantly CO2 emissions
14. May 2020: B.A.U.M. Consult organised together with the Standortagentur Tirol the virtual workshop “Regional Business Clusters as Innovation Partners for Integrated Energy Systems”. The workshop was part of the initiative ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems (JPP ERA-Net SES).

With around 50 participants, the organisers created a lively discussion on how regional development centres can take centre stage in energy transition. By using group discussions in so-called break-out rooms, a collaborative online whiteboard tool was used, which allows to implement different design-thinking methods virtually. Puzzle pieces were used as post-its, which shall match the expectations of one group with the offerings of regional development centres and energy agencies.
Furthermore, the audience co-created innovative formats for networking within the JPP SES community according to the matches. Some examples are joining a living lab program, a Hackathon/Connectathon for researchers and development agencies or regular (online) meetings on a half-year basis on specific topics. During the event, new connections were created, which will be strengthened in upcoming events. Furthermore, the feedback by the participants was very positive regarding the online tools used: “I never thought that I can be so creative in an online session”, mentioned one participant.
Since 2015 B.A.U.M. has provided programme support for the JPP ERA-Net SES initiative, a network of 30 public funding agencies from European and associated countries and regions. It provides a sustainable and service-oriented joint programming platform to finance transnational RDD projects, developing technologies and solutions in thematic areas like smart power grids, regional and local energy systems, heating and cooling networks, digital energy and smart services. In cooperation with RSE (Italy) and CLIC Innovation (Finland), B.A.U.M. Consult has set up a Knowledge Community and annually derives policy recommendations for the 23 countries involved and the organisations at EU level.
Further information
Further information on the project: